Currently Iowa is divided into twelve District Dietetic Associations. A map of the districts
can be found here. One of the districts is an external district while the other eleven are
internal districts.
Some districts are very active while other districts have been inactive for some time. In
some areas it has become increasingly difficult to fill the leadership roles for the
districts. Therefore, the Iowa Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is exploring the option
of dividing the state into larger regions. Below is information that explains the difference
between external and internal districts as well as regions.
Option 1 – External Districts
• Each district would be a separate legal entity:
Register with the Secretary of State as a 503(c)6 corporation (professional association)
File annual reports with the Secretary of State
Maintain an active Registered Agent with the Secretary of State – must be someone who lives in the state and is active with the organization
Obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS
File taxes yearly (990 N postcard)
Maintain bylaws and policies and procedures
Maintain financial records with a separate business banking account
Sign an annual agreement with affiliate where you submit proof of good standing with the state, taxes filed, bylaws, and financial health
• Each district would be solely responsible for elections, maintaining operations, all finances, member management and verification of Academy membership, which would be reviewed by affiliate on a regular basis
• Provides the largest autonomy for the districts, but also the most responsibility
• If the district becomes inactive, they would have to legally dissolve due to not being able to maintain legal responsibilities with the state and the IRS
Option 2 – Internal Districts
• Districts would be considered part of the affiliate for all legal purposes
• Affiliate oversees all financial and legal responsibilities:
Dues collection
Paying expenses
Holding reserves
Filing taxes
Approving final budget presented by district leaders
Contract negotiation (for services and sponsorship)
• Each district would have an Executive Committee with elected officials to represent the district
• Each district would have to maintain Guiding Principles instead of bylaws, and provide representation to the affiliate Board
• Affiliate would review all projects/programs for approval
• Districts would sign an agreement with the state each year to maintain as an active district, but no legal action would need to be taken if a district becomes inactive
Option 3 – Regions
• Allows for greatest flexibility:
No agreements necessary
Each region led by an appointed committee
Regions can be adjusted by vote of the affiliate board based on member involvement to accommodate any regions who may be inactive
• All financial and program decisions would be submitted to and approved by the affiliate board as with internal districts
• Generally requires less volunteers to run than districts as most functions are supported at a state level
• Eliminates dues for districts – funding comes from the state affiliate. Programs are funded through general funds, sponsorship, or a small fee for the event/offering
The IAND Board and Council is interested in feedback regarding districts versus regions.
Please take some time to review the make-up of each and send your thoughts and questions to or share them with your district leadership.
The Board and Council will use member feedback as they continue to discuss districts and regions on their monthly phone calls. A task force of district president’s will also be formed to further discuss the option of changing to regions. Watch the monthly newsletter for updates as the discussion continues.